In the winter I tend to concentrate on still life and portraiture, primarily to keep observational as well as motor skills well-oiled and ready for glorious plein-air opportunities, now only about two months away. Here in Rhode Island, there are several venues to accomplish these "warming-up" exercises through drop-in groups. One for still life occurs at the Wickford Art Association on Tuesdays and costs only $2. The other venues involve portraiture and figure: Kate Huntington's group for portraiture on Mondays (7 - 10 PM) and figure on Wednesdays (7 - 10 PM). One drop-in Group I often take advantage of for portraiture is Martin Reznik's sessions at All Saints Church in Warwick on Greenwich Avenue. Also a contribution of artist Norah Pfeifer is leading the senior Group that meets at the Senior Center in Wickford Mondays at 10 AM. Here are two portrait sketches, the first done at All Saints and the second at Kate's.
These and other images could in my next show "People and Places" opening at the East Greenwich Free Library on February 9, 5 -7 PM. I hope to see you there. ( The exhibit will be up from Feb. 4 - Feb. 29.)