Saturday, February 6, 2016

Midwinter Melange

  When the weather turns seasonably cold, I tend to work (plein air) earlier in the afternoon, although I still prefer the more mellow light of late afternoon.  Less hardy than I used to be, I limit my exposure to the cold air.  One advantage to this self-pampering is that I must work faster--and "work" to an oil painter includes observation as well as mark-making with a brush or palette knife.  Yes, I occasionally bring my iPad along to record the selected subject, but the inspiration is often suggested by less colorful media such as pencil or even pen and ink.  As mentioned in other posts, I also paint portraits as well as till life oil sketches.  Below are some images of recent work.  Again, I realize these sketches demand more finish--another possible winter project!
    Wickford/February, oil on wood, 9x12

    Teapot and Orange, oil on canvas, 9x12

    Wickford Harbor/January, oil on bookbinder board, 9x15
   Marsh at Bissel's Cove, oil on wood, 11x14